

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Who am I?

Iv'e grown up in restaurants. My brother first got me into it when started working in restaurants. I would see him come home and make eloquent dishes that looked lovely. As a kid, from watching how he made things, I decided that butter made everything better, and that the more spices you involve, the better. I quickly learned that food is only good with the appropriate mixture of things, and that cream and butter were not meant to be in every dish.

I came to Provo with a developed pallet. My family gets after me for being a food snob, but here's the truth, I can eat just about anything if its natural. However, I have a really hard time with processed, refined, hydrogenated, enriched food. I think food can be absolutely amazing, and I think that good food should be available to everyone.

My wife and I are both from Oregon where good food is plentiful, and we now eat out a lot. After a few years here, we have a good idea of the restaurants around here. This blog's purpose is to inform those of Utah valley where they can go to get good food. NOT a lot of food, cheap, but real good food, made by people who are passionate about food. I hope that this can serve informative and perhaps inspire people to try things that they may not have.

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